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基本資料 Basic Information

1. 姓名 Name
2. 學號 Student ID
3. 畢業系所 Graduation Department / Program
4. 畢業學制 Graduation Degree
個案填寫資料 Your current job status

1. 請問您從商學院畢業後到目前為止有幾年工作經驗? How many years of working experience have you had?
2. 請問您任職的機構性質是? What kinds of organization you are working for?
3. 請問您目前是否擔任主管? Are you a manager in your job?
商學院使命 COB mission

1. 請勾選 商學院使命對您職涯發展的重要性。(數字越大認同度越高) Is the COB mission important to your career?
創新 (培養創新及專業問題解決能力) Innovation (cultivating innovation and professional problem-solving ability)(0)
全球在地化 (連結理論與實務並拓展全球視野) Glocalization ( Theory and Practice and Expanding Global Perspectives)(0)
人文關懷 (持續學習並注重企業倫理與社會責任) Humanity (continuous learning and focus on business ethics and social responsibility)(0)
商學院學習目標 COB goals

1. 請勾選商學院學習目標對您職涯發展的重要性。(數字越大認同度越高) Are the COB goals important to your career?
Goal 1 專業知識能力 Professional knowledge(0)
Goal 2 全球視野與在地關注 Global vision and local focuses(0)
Goal 3 創新思維 Innovation(0)
Goal 4 溝通協調與合作能力 Communication and Teams Work(0)
Goal 5 社會責任與倫理思維 Social Responsibility and Ethical Thinking(0)

創新 Innovation


The concept of innovation in the mission extends down to the Goal1 professional knowledge, Goal3 innovation and problem-solving ability of business school learning goals, and the technology application and technology agility emphasized by AACSB. Students are asked to answer the following questions:

1. 您認為在商學院所學是否讓您在職涯中具備足夠的專業知識? 請勾選(數字越大認同度越高) Have you obtained sufficient professional knowledge from the COB?
能理解商管領域之學科理論與知識。 Able to understand the theory and knowledge in business(0)
具備專業領域之規劃與執行能力。 Able to plan and implement(0)
2. 請列出一項您認為對職涯最有幫助的專業知識,並說明為何您認為該專業知識對您最有幫助。 Please list one professional knowledge useful to your career, Why is it useful?
3. 您認為在商學院所學是否讓您在職涯中具備創新及問題解決能力? 請勾選(數字越大認同度越高) Have you obtained innovative and problem-solviing ability from the COB?
具備發現問題與定義問題之能力 Find and define problems ability(0)
蒐集資料,運用適當分析工具,提出創新解決方案 Data collection, analysis tools application to make innovative solutions(0)
4. 請列出一項您在商學院所學之運用科技的能力,是對職涯最有幫助(如Excel, 統計軟體、資料庫軟體、影像編程軟體等)? Please list one technology learned from the COB useful to your career, Such as Excel, Statistical Analysis Software, Database, Image Processing

全球在地化 Glocalization


The second pillar of the mission of the business school is global localization, the goal is to train students to think internationally and practice locally. Its downward learning goal is Goal2. Global macro vision, and combines theory and practice through experiential learning. Ask students to answer the following questions:

1. 您認為商學院課程與實務連結,並透過體驗式學習使學生能運用所學。請勾選(數字越大認同度越高) Are the COB courses connced with the reality and student could make practical application through experienced learning?
課程所學知識及技能符合業界趨勢及需求。 The knowledge and skills acquired in the course are in line with industry trends and needs(0)
課程提供機會能實際運用所學技能。 The course provides the opportunity for practical application(0)
2. 請描述在商學院所參與過對職涯最有幫助的體驗式學習機會(如企業參訪、業師演講、實作專題、實習機會、產學合作計畫等)。 Please list the most useful experienced-learning events. such as enterprise visits , speeches with lecturer from the industry, projects in practice, internship opportunities, industry-university cooperation program, etc.).
3. 您認為商學院是否提供國際化的學習環境,使學生具備國際觀及國際移動力並學習包容多元文化之差異。請勾選(數字越大認同度越高) Does the COB provide Internationalized learning environment so students could think internationally with mobility and diverse culture
瞭解文化、國際慣例與國情等差異對全球商業體系運作之影響 Understand the impact of different culture, international practices and nations on the global business system(0)
專業課程英語授課、英語能力提升課程與活動 Professional courses taught in English, English proficiency improvement courses and activities(0)
4. 是否有任何建議商學院舉辦之國際化相關活動? What internationalized activities would you suggest for the COB to work for?

人文關懷 Humanity


Whole-person education and humanistic care are the core concepts of Chung Yuen University, which extends downward to the concept of lifelong learning. It is expected that students will develop the spirit of independent learning and teamwork in order to occupy a place in the rapidly changing enterprises and become a socially responsible and cooperative enterprise. Competent moral leaders. At the same time, corporate ethics and social responsibility are the values that the business school focuses on cultivating. It is hoped that students will be able to develop their own habits and benefit the society. Ask students to answer the following questions:

1. 您認為商學院是否提供終生學習環境,並鼓勵學生自主學習。請勾選(數字越大認同度越高) Does the COB provide a life-long learning environment and encourage self-learning?
教師教學促進學習熱忱,並鼓勵學生自主學習 (0)
2. 您認為在商學院所學是否有助於職涯中與人溝通協調,並能團隊合作完成任?請勾選(數字越大認同度越高) What you learnd at COB is useful for your communication and team work in your career?
製作專業文件,並簡潔口頭報告 To produce professional documents and oral presentation(0)
有技巧地溝通協調,以促成團隊合作 Skillful communication to succeed teams work(0)
3. 請描述您在商學院學到的終身學習方法。 Please list what life-ling learning methods learnt from COB?
4. 您認為在商學院所學是否有助於建構職涯中所需的倫理思維及社會責任之重要性?請勾選(數字越大認同度越高) What you learnt from COB are useful for Ethical thinking and Society Responsibility required in your career .
瞭解企業倫理與社會責任之概念與重要性,進而影響自身行為準則。 Understand the concept and importance of business ethics and social responsibility, and then influence your behavior.(0)
5. 您認為企業倫理課程對您最大的影響是什麼? What's the most powerful impact from the Business Ethics courses?
商學院資源與支持 Questionnaire on Learning Resources & Support
1. 整體來說,您在商學院學習過程中得到的資源與支持是否充足,並對職涯發展有幫助?請勾選(數字越大認同度越高) Have you received sufficent resource and support from the COB and useful to your career?
資金:學校提供獎學金及其它學習獎勵或獎助資源 Funds:The school offers scholarships and other learning awards or scholarship resources(0)
設備:學校提供學習所需之軟硬體設備 Facilities:The school provides the hardware and software equipment necessary for learning(0)
空間:學校提供充足學習空間 Spaces:The school provides ample learning space(0)
學術發展:學校提供充足學習資源,當學習遇到困難時可以很容易找到人協助 Academic Support:Schools provide ample learning resources and can easily find help when learning is difficult(0)
職涯發展:學校提供職涯相關建議,並有機會可以接觸到實習、就業相關資訊 Career Support:The school provides career-related advice and has access to internships and employment-related information(0)
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