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Accreditation Process
Stage A- apply for membership
The membership fee is USD 3,300 every year. The rights of membership include attending AACSB activities, conferences, international communication, receiving AACSB’s publication.
Stage B-Pre Accreditation (1-5 years)

The pre-accreditation eligibility application fee is USD 2,000. There will be a mentor visit after pass the qualification. The purpose of mentor visit is to assist school to submit Standards Alignment Plan (SAP) within two years.  After pass the SAP exanimation, must execute the action indeed, and then submit annual report every year (for which up to three years are allowed). 

Stage C-Initial Accreditation (1-2 years)
After Initial Accreditation Committee (IAC) accept the annual report. The fee is USD 15,000. They will be assigned the PRT chair to supporting COB to accomplish Self-Evaluation Report (SER), including strategic plan. After SER was examined, peer review team will visit school about 3 days. After IAC and board of directors discussed and reviewed, it would be announce pass the AACSB accreditation.
Stage D- Maintenance (5-6 years)
Revise and execute strategic plan every year, and continue to submit the annual report each year to describe the situation and progress of COB. AACSB will exanimate in every five to six years. It is needed to apply the application in third year and PRT will be visit in the fifth year.
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